Our Mission:
Our God given mission is to a) Put HIS WORD out in public, b) Encourage a great increase of PRAYER in OUR COUNTRY and c) Remind Americans of our rich CHRISTIAN HERITAGE, all to help fulfill the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. Join us as we help American churches rebuild our country's foundations.

What if multiple churches in our communities joined together and started to encourage ALL BELIEVERS in their city to pray without ceasing for the people in their communities and in our country? How might God move as a result?
The PRAY AMERICA MAGNET was designed to remind any and all Americans who see the folded hands as they are driving around during the day to immediately offer up prayers of thanksgiving, and intercession to God for whatever comes to their minds.
Hard as it might be to imagine, these simple PRAY AMERICA MAGNET reminders can produce a significant number of additional prayers that could change reality today and eternity tomorrow for numerous people. In fact, just a single midsize church with 1,000 adults with cars could encourage an additional BILLION intercessory prayers a year lifted up to the throne of God. Imagine what the benefits of those answered prayers could be. Incalcuable but priceless!

The PRAYER PATH experience
"So is is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11
What if chuches in a community put God's word outside of their buildings, invitiing all who pass by to come on campus and start a conversation and/or a relationship with the God who made them in His image? Working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, a PRAYER PATH meets people right where they are spiritually and emotionally. It leads them into a guided conversation with the ONE who knows them best. Each visit will be different, but all will be personal and private. Help is available at the end of the path for those who need it. The path can conclude with the sinner's prayer and an invitation to visit the church.
The PRAYER PATH experience is another tool churches can use outside of the four walls of their building to impact the culture of their communitis, drawing in seekers whom the Holy Spirit has been calling.

"Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them." Deuteronomy 4:9
Do you realize that history is really just a long, long relay race, each generation passing on (OR NOT) the wisdom, and values earlier generations literally bled, sacrified and died for?
Millions of Americans have gone before us building the foundation of a country where today we enjoy the freedom, liberties and opportunities unsurpassed in the world. If you think or our history as a people being a relay race, earlier Americans ran their legs of the race before us to the best of their abilities, each generation handing off their American values to the next generation of Americans, entrusting them to run their leg of the race to the best of their ability, thus preserving their own efforts, but also ensuring that succeeding generations would benefit from their stewardship and hard work as well.
THE LEGACY BATON GIFT SET gives parents, grandparents, schools and churches an opportunity to intentionally reaffirm the most important things that younger generations need to know.

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." John 15:13
If you have seen the movie, "The Passion of the Christ", then you saw the excruciating horror of what Jesus endured so that the rest of us could receive forgiveness of our sins and consequenty get to spend all eternity with Him in heaven.
How sad is it that most all of us on a daily basis completely forget about what Jesus' sacrifice cost Him, and how it benefits us.
These temporary tattoos gives those of us in the church a tangible way to remind both ourselves and others of Jesus' enormous sacrifice for each of our own personal benefit, a benefit whose value is truly priceless, Nothing is this world comes close to that value, not a million nor even a billion dollars, Absolutely nothing.
Designed to be both a reminder as well as a conversation starter, these tattoos are transferred onto a hand in as little as thirty seconds per hand with just a moist cloth, tissue or paper towel.
In today's unpreciented global turmoil, everybody just needs Jesus more than ever. Most people just don't know it yet. It is our job as the church to make the introductions. Jesus told us to love God and to love our neighors. It is impossible to love our neighbors or even a stranger more than to intoduce them to Jesus. These tattoos can jumpstart those conversations. They can also jumpstart a stagnent church or perhaps even help start history's greatest and perhaps final revivial.
It is time for the American church to get out of the pews and into culture. What to you say? Order a starter set below.